The Space Programs of the USA and other Nations are a good start for the Universe Vision. What is lacking at present is the involvement of God the Creator of the Universe/s, in these Space Programs of Man. But in the near future, God and Man will join forces in the partnership of exploring and ruling the Whole Universe/s, and even in the creation of the NEW MULTIVERSES (the New Heavens and the New Earth (Isaiah 65:17, 66:22, 2Peter 3:13, Revelation 21:1).

- When I consider your HEAVENS, the work of your fingers, the MOON and the STARS, which you have ordained; WHAT IS MAN, that you think of him? What is THE SON OF MAN, THAT YOU CARE FOR HIM? (Psa 8:3-4 HNV)
- For you have made him A LITTLE LOWER THAN GOD (Heb. ELOHIM), and crowned him with GLORY and HONOR. (Psa 8:5 HNV)
- You make him ruler over the works of your hands. You have put all things (Whole Universe) under his feet: All sheep and oxen, yes, and the animals of the field, The birds of the sky, the fish of the sea, and whatever passes through the paths of the seas. (Psa 8:6-8 HNV)
- LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your Name in all the Earth! (Psa 8:9 HNV)
July 16, 1969.
Liftoff of the Apollo 11 Lunar Landing Mission. The whole world stood
and watched in amazement and breathtaking anticipation of the moon
landing. An estimated 600 million people => 1/5 of the world's population at that time (the largest audience for any
single event in history), watched and listened to the live broadcast. Millions of people around the world were mesmerized by what they were witnessing.
I was then a budding boy in a far flung province of Masbate, the Philippines.
I also noticed that many people in our neighborhood and in our school were
hooked to the radio following the historical event step-by-step. At that
time, I don't care and I don't fully understand what was going on.
days after take-off of Apollo 11 lunar mission, on July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first man to set foot on the moon. His first words
are: "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." This statement spoken live from the surface of the moon is now written in history books and the
memories of those who heard them in a live broadcast. But, the supernal impact and full meaning of Mr. Neil Armstrong famous words have been hidden, until today.
Mr. Neil Armstrong said in an interview that he really spoke the statement as mentioned above, but the signal received on Earth is "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." Electronic signals removed the indefinite article "a" from the statement. The missing "a" before "man" change the meaning of the statement from that of referring only to Mr. Armstrong, to that of including everyone of us in that prophetic message.
Why the removal of the letter "a" from the received signal on Earth? Who caused this seemingly minor change to happen? And WHY?
Why the removal of the letter "a" from the received signal on Earth? Who caused this seemingly minor change to happen? And WHY?
After the moon landing, people gazed at the moon, in awe of what they had just seen. But no one realize then, that this live human statement from the moon (outside Earth) is also a prophecy! Its full supernal meaning and revelation have been hidden for decades, and revealed only today, in our 21st Century End-Time Generation!
But what is the meaning of the prophetic lunar statement of Mr. Armstrong? Let's split into two parts this famous statement from the moon, to understand its supernal meaning and prophetic revelation.
But what is the meaning of the prophetic lunar statement of Mr. Armstrong? Let's split into two parts this famous statement from the moon, to understand its supernal meaning and prophetic revelation.
1. THE "small STEP FOR MAN"
The first part reads "That's one small step for man." What is the significance of this first half? This first half pertains to Mankind's efforts and achievements in his Space Programs without the participation of the Great Creator of the Universe/s. The first climax of this "small step for man" is the 1969 Apollo 11 Moon landing, making Neil Armstrong the first Human to set foot on the Moon.
Looking at the overall scheme and future of the Universe, the 1969 Moon landing is indeed just a "small step for man."
Looking at the overall scheme and future of the Universe, the 1969 Moon landing is indeed just a "small step for man."
This "GIANT LEAP FOR MANKIND" is still to be fulfilled in the future, when Man will finally involve God and partners with Him in the exploration and management not only of the Solar System, but of the Whole Universe! Man should consults and partners with the Creator God to explore and manage the Whole Universe. This is the crux of everything: Man was created to assist and partner with the Creator God in the Operation and Maintenance Management of the whole vast Universe/s!
- For THE CREATION (The WHOLE UNIVERSE) waits with eager expectation for the Children of God to be revealed. (Rom 8:19 HNV)
- You make him (Man) ruler over the works of your hands. You have put ALL THINGS (The WHOLE UNIVERSE) under his feet. (Psa 8:6 HNV)
How did President Kennedy and the American people achieved such an "impossible"
dream of landing the first man on the moon?
If we analyze this great human achievement, we can see that there was a great ingredient present that was very critical to the success of the moon project, or to any other project. And this great ingredient is called UNITY. To have unity we must have a common goal, not just an ordinary goal, but a more glorious goal. President Kennedy's speech unified the entire American nation.
If we analyze this great human achievement, we can see that there was a great ingredient present that was very critical to the success of the moon project, or to any other project. And this great ingredient is called UNITY. To have unity we must have a common goal, not just an ordinary goal, but a more glorious goal. President Kennedy's speech unified the entire American nation.
important thing to be noticed was that President Kennedy gathered and
united the "Nation's Best, of its energies, skills, and intelligence."
America searched for the best engineers, scientists, technicians, and
other needed manpower, and give them all the needed motivations and
freedom for unbounded creativity. And the great end-result is the inspiring and unforgettable history of sending a Man to set foot on the Moon, and bring him back to Earth!
But, no matter how great this human achievement may appear, it is still only a "small step for man" compared to the "GIANT LEAP FOR MANKIND" that will result when Man finally unites and partners with his Creator God in the exploration and management of the Whole Universe. When this happens, then, finally, the original goal of the CONVERGENCE OF HEAVEN AND EARTH SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGIES will be achieved! For an in-depth explanation about this wonderful goal, please go to: The CONVERGENCE OF MESSIANIC KABBALAH SCIENCE AND MAN'S SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY: Results in Perfect Peace and Prosperity!
Then, MANKIND (ADAM) will be qualified and allowed by the Great Creator GOD to be involved in a more glorious Universe Project; that of creating the NEW HEAVENS AND THE NEW EARTH!
But, no matter how great this human achievement may appear, it is still only a "small step for man" compared to the "GIANT LEAP FOR MANKIND" that will result when Man finally unites and partners with his Creator God in the exploration and management of the Whole Universe. When this happens, then, finally, the original goal of the CONVERGENCE OF HEAVEN AND EARTH SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGIES will be achieved! For an in-depth explanation about this wonderful goal, please go to: The CONVERGENCE OF MESSIANIC KABBALAH SCIENCE AND MAN'S SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY: Results in Perfect Peace and Prosperity!
Then, MANKIND (ADAM) will be qualified and allowed by the Great Creator GOD to be involved in a more glorious Universe Project; that of creating the NEW HEAVENS AND THE NEW EARTH!
- For as the NEW HEAVENS and the NEW EARTH, which I will make, shall remain before me, says the LORD, so SHALL YOUR SEED AND YOUR NAME REMAIN. (Isa 66:22 HNV)
Continued on Part 36: The
Than Conquerors of the Whole Universe and Beyond, Because of The King
of The Universe => Christ Jesus!
< PREVIOUS: TRUE GOSPEL IS THE SUPER-ADVANCED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ON EARTH, AND THE WHOLE UNIVERSE! We Are Dazzled by the Advanced Gadgets and Technologies of Men. We Must Be More Dazzled by the True Gospel of Christ, which is the Most Advanced Spiritual Science and Technologies Today, and Forever!
< PREVIOUS: TRUE GOSPEL IS THE SUPER-ADVANCED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ON EARTH, AND THE WHOLE UNIVERSE! We Are Dazzled by the Advanced Gadgets and Technologies of Men. We Must Be More Dazzled by the True Gospel of Christ, which is the Most Advanced Spiritual Science and Technologies Today, and Forever!
Copyright 2012, 2018 © LOPE COLUMNA
The First and Only Preacher of God's MESSIANIC KABBALAH WISDOM:
The EVERLASTING GOSPEL of The Kingdom of God
Hosea 6:2-3, Isaiah 40:3-5, 46:11, Jeremiah 9:12, Malachi 3:1, 4:5-6, Matthew 17:11, 24:14, Rev 14:6)

Arlene Aguilar likes this.
Dahlia Sevilla Hi Lope! Thanks for remembering me. Is the Bible not enough to show when Jesus Christ will come and how? What is Kabbalah to do with us and the Bible?
Lope Columna Hi, Dalia! For the answer to your question, go to: Q232 of The BIBLE EXPLAINER.
From the Group: God First Ministries
Daniel Nsumba Kasenge Am believe that.